In most cases, the business owner is the best salesperson! However, that same person can also be the biggest liability as concessions are made on price just to get the sale - in those cases, the business owner is the worst member of the team! Why? By ignoring the giant liability each project presents; ego and pride get in the way as the goal is to win over the homeowner, but at the potential expense of the business. Losing sight that it’s better to have less projects, but higher profit margins than more projects at lower profit margins.
This business is risky! And while we’re obviously prepared for a little risk (i.e. walking around on top of potentially dangerous roofs), sometimes roofing business owners tend to get a little ahead of themselves without even realizing it.
So, let’s bring it back down to Earth and talk about making sure your projects are priced beneficially, EVERY time. This starts with a firm understanding of what you’re offering the community. My hope is that you’re offering quality home exterior services that are guaranteed and provided simply. Before we talk about the homeowner’s price, let’s talk about your skills, the skills of your team, the risk you take every time a ladder is raised, the permitting, the logistics and insurance, the warranty, etc.
You aren’t just offering a sound roof - you are guaranteeing the results which equates to peace of mind for the homeowner. You are selling your reputation - and let’s be honest - it isn’t always cheap to run a business with integrity, but that’s the business your community of homeowners NEEDS.
Who are your suppliers?
How negotiable are their rates?
How consistent is your sales formula? What causes it to shift?
When do you go “off script” to capture a sale, and do you really think that is a good idea?
Do you price a project with all variables taken into consideration?
The foundation of your business starts with pricing. It should be thoroughly investigated and thought through - and then consistently offered.
And if you need further reasoning, let's consider your team. As the roofing business owner, you ARE the leader - it’s your example that is crucial to the success of everyone else. Set a strong and consistent example.
So, let’s talk about what you’ve been doing, how it’s worked out for you, and what you’d like to see improve. Bean Countery’s Ladder Roofing Business Team is available to support you in your pursuit to grow your roofing & home exterior business with solid coaching, system design & implementation, Profit First cash flow and accounting/financial services.
We want you to win!
Real Clients - Real Stories
Amazing experience at the Bean Countery. Emily is punctual and concise. She helped us setup our new business LLC and is always willing to answer my many questions! Highly recommend you call Emily and setup an appointment today.
Bean Countery does an absolutely incredible job and will take excellent care of you!
I love having you in my corner!
I just feel like I have someone behind me helping drive the ship with you there, so that's what I mean by thank you for all the support. I feel stronger in my business than I ever have and you are a part of it. So, thanks!
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